Minnesota health officials on Sunday reported 1,713 new COVID-19 cases, as the seven-day trend in new cases continued to stay flat.

At least 2,574,895 Minnesotans have received one dose of a COVID vaccine, and 1,972,888 have completed their vaccinations.

With the latest vaccinations, Minnesota is 58% of the way to its goal of vaccinating most residents aged 16 or older.

So far, 579,235 Minnesotans have had confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19 that were reported to state officials after being confirmed by testing.

The Health Department reported 6 additional deaths from complications of COVID-19 on Sunday, none of whom lived in assisted living or long-term care facilities. Those who died were between the ages of 65 and 89.

Minnesota has recorded 7,160 COVID-19 fatalities since the first death was reported last March.

People with underlying health conditions, including heart, lung and kidney disease, are more likely to develop serious complications of COVID that require medical attention.

The total number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 complications in Minnesota throughout the pandemic is 30,360.

A total of 16 patients were newly admitted to hospitals Sunday, with three newly admitted to the ICU.

Kim Hyatt • 612-673-4751