ViÂkings coach Mike ZimÂmer asked for 28 points from his offense. He got that, with a point to spare, in the 29-26 vicÂtoÂry over Washington on SunÂday.
ZimÂmer recÂogÂnized the offense's perÂformÂance in the lockÂer room afÂter the game, but he was inÂterÂruptÂed by ofÂfenÂsive coÂorÂdiÂnaÂtor Norv TurÂner.
"Coach, you should've asked for 28 [points] a month ago!" said TurÂner, turnÂing the rauÂcous apÂplause into heartÂy laughs.
The ViÂkings offense avÂerÂaged a little more than 17 points in its first eight games, and ZimÂmer said he wantÂed to give the unit someÂthing to shoot for against Washington. The ViÂkings ecÂlipsed 28 points twice, against the Rams and FalÂcons, but scored only 48 in their past four games.
"I probÂaÂbly should've asked for more soonÂer," ZimÂmer said.
Jokes aÂside, ZimÂmer said he felt the ViÂkings scored their touchÂdowns when they needÂed them most. Three of the four scores ocÂcurÂred durÂing the seÂcond half. They reÂclaimed the lead for good with 3:31 left on a 1-yard touchÂdown run by Matt Asiata in reÂsponse to Washington's preÂviÂous touchÂdown drive.
"That's the mark of a good footÂball team, I think, is when the othÂer team goes down and scores, you got to reÂspond," ZimÂmer said.
Short of his goal
ViÂkings runÂning back Jerick McÂKinÂnon nearÂly scored his first caÂreer touchÂdown on the first ofÂfenÂsive drive in the seÂcond half. The rookÂie plowed up the midÂdle on a handÂoff and stretched as far as he could on the 9-yard gain but fell a yard short.
"Arms weren't quite long enÂough, but it's all good," McÂKinÂnon said. "We still won, so that's the key foÂcus."
McÂKinÂnon went back to the hudÂdle afÂter the play, though he likeÂly knew the inÂeviÂtable would hapÂpen. Asiata, who has served as the goal line back this seaÂson, trotÂted onto the field to reÂplace McÂKinÂnon, and the ViÂkings scored on the next play for one of Asiata's three touchÂdowns.
But McÂKinÂnon and the ViÂkings ofÂfenÂsive line sprung the runÂning game on that drive with conÂsecÂuÂtive gains of 15 and 9 yards beÂfore Asiata's touchÂdown. The ViÂkings had just seven carÂries for 14 yards in the first half but finÂished the seÂcond half with 20 carÂries for 86 yards.
"It was a good drive though to come out the seÂcond half," McÂKinÂnon said. "Washington, they reÂalÂly have a lot of good run fits that first half. …We came out in the seÂcond half runÂning pretÂty good. A lot of credÂit due to the [ofÂfenÂsive line] just makÂing those holes."
Day of containment
It wasn't pretÂty, but the ViÂkings defense conÂtained an exÂploÂsive Washington offense at TCF Bank Stadium. DeÂfenÂsive tackÂle Sharrif Floyd said the team knew Washington wantÂed to run latÂerÂalÂly with the reÂturn of quarterback Robert Griffin III. His presÂence gave runÂning back AlÂfred Morris his most proÂducÂtive game this seaÂson, with two TDs and a seaÂson-high 92 yards.
"[Griffin's] defÂiÂniteÂly an eÂlite quarterback, and we knew where he wantÂed to go when he wantÂed to get out of the pockÂet and where he wantÂed to go on his boot," Floyd said. "Once we knew that, and we stopped the run and could just foÂcus on him, it made it a great day for us."
Griffin scramÂbled seven times for 24 yards and Washington kept a balÂanced atÂtack with 29 rushÂing attempts and 28 passÂing atÂtempts. The ViÂkings alÂlowed 347 yards but minÂiÂmized Washington's imÂpact on the scoreÂboard, holdÂing its offense to two field goals and a turnÂoÂver on downs late to seal the victory.
"They try to mix evÂerÂyÂthing that they got into a game, and that made them difÂfiÂcult to reÂalÂly read," Floyd said. "At the end of the day, hitÂting the guard and hitÂting the tackÂle, it's still going to be a run or still going to be a pass at the end of the day. Just put yourÂself in the right poÂsiÂtion."
Practice-squad moves
The ViÂkings put pracÂtice squad quarterback Chandler Harnish, who has been with the team since Week 5, on inÂjured reÂserve because of a Lisfranc foot inÂjuÂry and signed quarterback Pat DevÂlin to the pracÂtice squad. They also signed tight end RaShaun Allen to the pracÂtice squad and reÂleased tight end Ryan Otten.
DelÂvin signed as an undrafted free aÂgent with the DolÂphins in 2011 but has not apÂpeared in a reguÂlar-seaÂson game. Allen signed as an undrafted free aÂgent with the SeaÂhawks this seaÂson and apÂpeared in one game.
• ZimÂmer said tight end Kyle Rudolph is exÂpectÂed to parÂticiÂpate at TuesÂday's pracÂtice durÂing inÂdiÂvidÂuÂal drills. He isn't sure yet if Rudolph will reÂturn from sports herÂniÂa surÂgerÂy in Week 11 against the Bears.
• The coachÂing staff will reÂceive the weekÂend off durÂing the bye. When asked how he'd spend the time off, ZimÂmer said, "I'm going to get away too, nevÂer get too far away. I uÂsuÂalÂly take my iPad with me and probÂaÂbly sit by the fire and watch some of things I need to watch."

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