Age: 26
Home: St. Paul
Job: Realtor and chauffeur (drives a Lincoln Town Car)
Salary: $20,000 to $25,000
Education: Bachelor's degree in urban studies from the University of Minnesota with a minor in architecture
How'd you get your job? An acquaintance who was a Realtor helped me get started. I began driving [for money] the same way.
Last major purchase: Nintendo Wii
Next major purchase: A car with four doors for showing homes.
Have your spending/saving habits changed recently? Lately, I've been using any extra money to pay off credit card debt and student loans. I think I would be better served paying down high-interest debt at this time instead of saving.
Smart money: I am working to pay off my debt so I can start saving for a down payment on a house.
Stupid money: Taking out more student loans than I probably needed, and getting lots of overdraft charges while I was in school.
Investments/savings plans: Ha!
Advice: Minimize debt; you end up paying so much more in the long run. Take care of your credit because it is so crucial to getting a house someday, especially in today's market.
Financial goals: I would like to be able to live on the interest of my investments and savings when I retire.
Dream job: Real estate developer.
Do you own or rent? I rent. When I decide to buy a house, I want to be at a point where I can purchase one that I really want.
What was your first job? Sales associate at J.C. Penney in Red Wing.
What would you do if you won the lottery? Travel frequently with friends and family.
Summer plans: Sell some houses.