Recent content from Dennis Anderson

Anderson: With Minnesota far behind them, 'Old Guy' snowmobilers close in on Newfoundland
Adventurous sledders find good snow, friendly Canadians. 'They'll never stop riding.'

Anderson: Annexing Canada won't happen, because our Canadian friends won't allow it
Joining the two nations would mean Canada's natural resources would suffer

Anderson: Casting an eye south, to Belize, in winter
An escape from February's deep freeze has a columnist trying to catch an elusive permit on a fly.

Anderson: For RV owners (and wannabe owners) home on wheels often follows a winding road
Show at Convention Center will attract dreamers as well as buyers.

Anderson: With crossbow's wider use, is the sun setting on the 'old way' of bow hunting?
Minnesota legislators this session must renew crossbow use for deer hunting, or it lapses.

Anderson: At DNR, Dave Trauba, a prairie guy, now oversees wildlife throughout Minnesota
Widely respected, new Wildlife Section leader must deal with habitat issues, staff morale.

Anderson: Trio of 'Old Guy' snowmobilers now headed to Newfoundland
With their 5,000-mile snowmobile jaunt to Alaska complete, three Minnesota men, ages 67, 71 and 74, are set to depart next from Grand Rapids, Minn. to Newfoundland.

Anderson: Wolves more likely to be delisted under Trump, but whether deer numbers increase is uncertain
Even if wolf management returns to the state, DNR wolf hunting and trapping seasons might not follow.

Anderson: Pheasants, ducks, butterflies: Their chances — and yours — improve 80 acres at a time
Ducks Unlimited and other groups help the Minnesota DNR acquire conservation lands with Legacy Act money.
Anderson: The ice fishing is nice in Minnesota, for a change, but bring cleats
Snow or no snow, hundreds of thousands of winter anglers are returning to the ice, thanks to cold weather.

Anderson: Carter joins Bush, other presidents who fished and made a difference
Angler-leaders who were conservationists came from both sides of the political divide, and we all benefited.

Anderson: 'Arctic Cat will survive.' Minnesota dealer collects stories while selling snowmobiles.
Snowmobiles have fascinated Tom Rowland of Ogilvie, Minn., since he bought his first at age 15.

Anderson: Grand Marais maple syrup producers tap into conflict with Minnesota DNR
After leasing trees on state land for 25 years, Mark and Melinda Spinler fear they'll be shut down.

Anderson: Forward-facing sonar drawing anger in muskie fishing, other angling in Minnesota
Some argue the devices amount to cheating.

Anderson: For this traditional archer, bow hunting is a shot back in time
Ron Roettger can hit a target at 65 yards, but he never takes a shot at a deer longer than 17 yards.

Anderson: On grandpa's Minnesota farm, a shot and a day of searching yields a rare piebald buck
From a stand near the Iowa border, Mason Rudolph, 19, worried he'd missed the deer of a lifetime.

Anderson: Wisconsin hunting camp was as much about people as it was about deer
Camp owner Norb Berg, who died earlier this year at 92, was fascinated by whitetails, but even more so by people.

Anderson: Fired for drunken driving, DNR waterfowl specialist cites hallucinations
Steve Cordts, a respected DNR duck and goose manager for the last 20 years, wants his job back.

Anderson: Recalling blasts from the past, Bud Grant's partner aims for a memorable deer opener
Accompanying Dennis Anderson, Pat Smith sets a high bar: "A 10-pointer,'' she said.

Fewer antlerless permits issued to hunters, but weather, harvest outlook upbeat for deer opener
Cloudy skies, highs touching 50 degrees statewide will greet some 450,000 whitetail seekers Saturday.

Anderson: With Bud Grant gone, his partner recalls good times afield while anticipating Minnesota's deer opener
With Bud Grant gone, his partner recalls good times afield while anticipating Minnesota's deer opener

Anderson: Price of Minnesota whitetail hunting can be dear, but needn't keep hunters on the couch
Some hunters borrow clothing and other gear, bagging limits of fun — and sometimes venison — in the process.

Anderson: How a mentoring program is helping underrepresented Minnesotans learn to hunt
Program targets Minnesotans of color seeking to reconnect with the land and the food it offers.
![Sarah Strommen, first woman to be named commissioner of the DNR, in her office in St. Paul. ]
St. Paul, MN Friday, Marc](
Anderson: Minnesota DNR commissioner says no plan to raise state park or hunting, fishing license fees
In Q&A, Sarah Strommen also addressed the possibility of Walz leaving, timber management and a carp deterrent.
Anderson: In Minn., gathering firewood and harvesting gardens are autumn rituals for the soul
These outdoor exercises focus the senses and quiet information overloading that too often today quickens the pulse.

Anderson: On Minnesota pheasant opener, dogs and their human partners put roosters to wing
Dry conditions greet uplanders on the season's first day. But even in areas of heavy summer rains, roosters are found.

Anderson: As pheasant opener nears, creeping trees threaten grasslands and wildlife they support
Lack of fire on the land fuels spread of redcedar and other trees, crowding out prairie plants and birds.
Anderson: Yellowstone sees rebirth of wolves along ancient Native American trails
Author Rick McIntyre once watched park's wolves every day for 15 years straight.

Anderson: Whether ducks were many or few, Minnesota opener produced memories
Minnesota waterfowl opener produces ducks for some, memories for all

Anderson: Minnesota's disappearing duck camps are a loss to the state's hunting heritage
One Buffalo Lake camp has stayed aloft on wings and memories for 50 years

Anderson: For these Minnesota women, bird hunting wouldn't be sporting without their dogs
For these Minnesota women, hunting birds without their dogs wouldn't be sporting
Anderson: Telling female and male mallards apart in September is a tough problem for hunters to duck in Minnesota
Hen mallards have gone missing, and hunters, along with habitat losses and drought, might be part of the problem.

Anderson: If everyone needs exposure to nature, why aren't some kids in the metro getting it?
Shooting of four kids ages 11 to 13 in a stolen car raises alarms about what's being missed in endless outreach.

Anderson: Wildlife artist Bob Hautman brushes with fame
Entry into another Federal Duck Stamp contest is nigh, a contest that he and his accomplished brothers have won 15 times.

Group aims to get mobility-challenged Minnesotans outdoors
Anderson: Group aims to get mobility challenged Minnesotans outdoors

Anderson: Bears and salmon, life and death in Alaska's summer drama
Traveling Alaska's Inside Passage offers rare views wildlife in real-time at Anan Wildlife Observatory Site.

Anderson: Stillwater man drawn north to Alaska by way of road and water
Abundant fish, scenery, whales and other wildlife, as well as adventure, attract semi-retired veterinarian to the Inside Passage.

Anderson: Chiovitte's state record walleye shouldn't be thrown back
The DNR has changed the way it recognizes Minnesota's biggest fish, but the walleye record should still stand.

Anderson: Minnesota's muskies are no match for sonar gadget
Minnesota muskies were trending downward before advent of forward-facing sonar, which redoubles the threat to these trophy fish. DNR likely will be slow to act, so anglers must.

Anderson: Anatomy of a nighttime helicopter rescue in Boundary Waters
DNR pilot Grace Zeller recounts sudden involvement in nighttime rescue of injured paddlers below Curtain Falls.

Anderson: With summer training, know a dog's tail is meant to wag
Though hunting seasons are months away, bonds between dogs and their partners are often solidified in June, July and August.

Anderson: Did June rain wash away Minnesota pheasant nesting prospects?
Poised for a population comeback, Minnesota pheasants see nesting success threatened by rains.

Anderson: Releasing even 'fish of a lifetime' is the ethic guiding many anglers
The "Muskie Rampage," in which more than 160 muskies were caught and killed, was a watershed Minnesota moment.

10 tips on how to catch Minnesota's tight-lipped walleyes in midsummer
Anderson: Unraveling the mystery of finding, and catching, walleyes in midsummer

Anderson: Barred owls targeted for death to save northern spotted owls
The federal plan to shoot 500,000 barred owls to save smaller and less aggressive spotted owls is controversial.

Anderson: Boundary Waters hits milestone, but its future isn't guaranteed
The Wilderness Act of 60 years ago set about safeguards, and it's high time to recognize that.

Anderson: Where have all of Minnesota's muskies gone?
The DNR is initiating a planning process that could lead to a new muskie management framework.

Anderson: Where these guides fish, you should, too
Five Minnesotans offer insights about the career they chose and the waters where they make their living.

Anderson: More women are out fishing, but where are more kids?
Society benefits when anglers buy licenses, which helps underwrite fisheries management and clean water.

Anderson: Weather more than walleye was top of mind as we launched the opener
The beginning of our walleye summer with the Minnesota fishing opener wasn't a backdrop we are used to in this state. We worked with it on Lake Winnibigoshish.

Live: Updates and photos from the Minnesota fishing opener
Hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans are participating in Saturday's fishing opener, with walleye the preferred game fish.

Anderson: After more than six decades, the fishing opener still brings them together
Growing up in south Minneapolis, these kids-turned-octogenarians have caught limits of walleyes — and memories.
Anderson: For opener, fishing will be fantastic — and catching will be great
You heard it here first: Fish will be caught at a fast and furious pace during this weekend's Minnesota walleye opener. The data backs that up.

Anderson: Building a new Waterville fish hatchery will help shorten the time between bites
With new funding, a long-dreamed-of facility will replace the 1954 Waterville, Minn., hatchery that began as a garage.

Anderson: Trailblazing sonar will be in thousands of boats for opener
The futuristic "forward-facing sonar" is here and becoming much more common in Minnesota boats. One impact: Releasing fish might become necessary as catch rates improve.

Anderson: Celebrate Earth Day by rekindling real connection to nature
People who've been exposed to nature, and value those experiences, can change their behavior toward it. A story about law-breaking duck hunters reaffirms that position.
Anderson: Anglers protesting tough new Mille Lacs rules are wrong
Any attempt to muscle the DNR or the governor's office to overturn this year's walleye fishing restrictions not only is a bad look for anglers, but it could backfire and shut the lake down this summer.

Anderson: Courts, not politicians, should rule on Red Lake, White Earth lands
Look to the Mille Lacs case for an example of treaty claims correctly decided by courts, not the Minnesota Legislature.

Anderson: Multimillion windfall gets invasive carp deterrent moving
A university invasive carp expert has warned that not taking action means that, sooner or later, breeding populations of the fish will reach the St. Croix River and other Minnesota waters.
![A young whitetail deer searches for food as another blanket of snow coats the arrowhead. ] Minnesota -State of Wonders, Arrowhead in Winter BRIAN PETE](
Anderson: In NE Minnesota, DNR staff, habitat and deer all decline
A retired DNR wildlife manager says the agency's efforts that encouraged region's whitetails have ended. Read his Q&A with Dennis Anderson about why.

Anderson: Appreciating early spring can be antidote for troubled times
Sigurd Olson was right: "Spring is a time of rare transcendent beauty and promise.''
Anderson: Though still winging it, Manitoba has U.S. duck hunters in its sights
Minnesota sends more waterfowlers to the province than any state, but restrictions are changing.

Anderson: Caitlin Clark isn't the only Iowa woman riding a success streak
A pheasant resurgence is attracting Iowa women who want to be outdoors and harvest their own food. Meet Abby Stone, whose college years included learning to hunt.

Anderson: Before saunas got cool, Ely Steam Sauna was already hot
All you need to know about the difference between the century-old sauna — compared to the trendy sauna 'events' being offered around the state — is what $11 will get you in Ely.

Anderson: Lead-ban legislation could set back thriving prep trapshooters
In attempting to do so much with so little explanation, this bill likely would self-destruct — setting back for years more legitimate attempts to limit lead use in Minnesota.

Anderson: In north woods deer hunting debate, we're not seeing the forest
We can't drown in the details of northeast Minnesota's deer hunting decline. Let's start by protecting our habitat, so deer there, and deer hunters, can thrive again.

Anderson: Are we going to save Minnesota waters from carp, or not?
Gov. Walz and the Minnesota DNR continuing to withhold support for an invasive carp block is 'environmentally irresponsible,' says a researcher with four decades of experience.

Anderson: A new idea using old gear to go big across the Iditarod Trail
No stranger to Alaska, Minnesota adventurer plans will keep things vintage from snowmobile to sleeping bag.

Anderson: In the Bahamas, pursuing dinner can also bring hungry sharks
Bahamas native recounts shark attack that left 400 stitches after a deep dive decades ago.

Anderson: For anglers on early ice, this is the little SUV that can
On Lake of the Woods, the relatively lightweight, vintage 4x4s are in high demand, even if it's a vehicle you wouldn't want to take on the highway.

Anderson: Invasive carp deterrent possible, and chance to do what's right
The outlandishly ugly fish are moving up the Mississippi River to Minnesota rivers and lakes. Without action, the consequences could be dire.

Anderson: With better ice, should DNR extend winter walleye fishing?
The warmer-than-normal winter created problems for businesses in and around the state's resorts. Now that the ice is good, should the state help them out if the cold weather holds?

Anderson: Midwest Mountaineering joins long list of outfitters to close
Kennedy Bros. Arms Co. in St. Paul in the 1800s sold guns to buffalo hunters. They are part of a deep history of Minnesota outfitters here, then gone.

Anderson: From canvas to conservation, Jim Killen left his mark
Some of the Owatonna resident's best work was as a conservationist. Killen died Jan. 6 at age 89.
Anderson: Annual DNR roundtable needs action over meet-and-greet
The gathering seems like a missed opportunity to engage Minnesotans in legitimately working toward a future in the outdoors that they want.