The George Floyd mural at 38th Street and S. Chicago Avenue in south Minneapolis was defaced recently with red paint.
Surveillance video shows a man wearing shorts, a black vest and a black ski mask — with a face mask over the ski mask — walk up to the mural and spray it at 4:21 a.m. on Sunday, said T.J. Abumayyaleh, an employee at Cup Foods.
This is the second time that the mural has been damaged. A former medical student at the University of Minnesota admitted to the Reformer, a local online news site, that he was the person seen in surveillance footage one night in August defacing the Floyd mural with black spray paint. The 26-year-old man claimed he was drunk at the time and apologized; he's no longer enrolled at the U.
The mural has not been repaired after either incident.
The city has made plans for a permanent memorial to Floyd at the intersection where he was killed May 25.