Recent content from Karen Tolkkinen
Tolkkinen: By going after Canada, Trump shows he doesn't understand friendship
Or maybe he's jealous that Trudeau is better looking.

Tolkkinen: Democrat Keith Ellison visits Trump country
Republican reticence to hold town hall meetings in rural Minnesota has prevented most rural Minnesotans from meeting statewide or congressional elected officials face to face. Democratic Attorney General Keith Ellison bucked this trend by visiting with farmers in rural, conservative Stevens County.

Tolkkinen: My column on transgender athletes drew insults, outrage and applause
Some readers were scared to go public.
Tolkkinen: Surrounded by crops in Minnesota farm country, but with little to eat
Very little of what is grown in farm country stays there. And when it returns in packages of ground beef or cartons of milk, it is increasingly unaffordable.

Tolkkinen: Transgender girls have an unfair advantage in girls' sports
We should have settled this years ago.
Tolkkinen: Slow down, Pete Stauber. There's only one Boundary Waters.
Allowing mining near the cherished wilderness won't help any future bid for statewide office.

Tolkkinen: 65 years ago, city girl met farm boy
When Judy and Bob Schindler married, they blended city and rural sensibilities forged in economic hardship, war, and the optimism of the 1950s.

Tolkkinen: Saying goodbye to the last of our cattle
Living on a farm means you eat what you raise. Everybody knows that, but it doesn't make it easy to send livestock off to the meat locker. The steer was the last one to go.

Tolkkinen: Lawmakers need to look again at paid time off laws
Minnesota schools say they're burdensome, expensive, and add to their administrative costs.

Tolkkinen: Rural Minnesota teen may never walk again after hockey accident
Jackson Drum's accident is like that of Benilde-St. Margaret player Jack Jablonski in 2011.

Tolkkinen: Amid the Trump chaos, egg prices are still $7.50
Trump promised to bring down food prices on Day 1, but he's not addressing it.

Tolkkinen: Minnesota benefactor runs out of funds and energy in quest to help Afghan families who once aided the U.S.
Caroline Clarin worked with Afghan men on a USDA agricultural program.

Tolkkinen: Trump faces high expectations from rural Minnesota
Rural Minnesota voted for President Trump because of high grocery prices, because they feel transgender rights are trampling the rights of cisgender girls and women, and because people at home need help. Their hopes for his administration are high.

Tolkkinen: At age 5, he wanted to be New York Mills mayor; he was just sworn in
Mayor Marsha Maki stepped aside and Latham Hetland, now 29, ran unopposed.

Tolkkinen: Bondage imagery for first-graders? No thanks.
Rochester superintendent shows courage in pulling "The Rainbow Parade."

Tolkkinen: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. supports raw milk. Here's what to know before jumping on the trend.
Raw milk is delicious, but there are dangers.

Tolkkinen: We will all pay the price for Trump's immigration policy. And we should.
Her undocumented immigrant husband was deported during Trump's first term.

Tolkkinen: Supporters ease the sting of hockey stick theft in Duluth
After a thief stole the Mankato West High School hockey team's hockey sticks, they couldn't play their final tournament game in Duluth this weekend. Now hockey lovers and kid lovers have united to buy them new sticks.

Tolkkinen: It shouldn't be easier for swindlers to get public money than our smallest cities
The Feeding Our Future scam stole millions of taxpayer dollars. So why can't the Minnesota city of Richville, population of 76, get funding for a new well?

Tolkkinen: A long-ago good deed by two radiologists has helped women across Minnesota
It's never too late to follow your dreams.

Tolkkinen: Stauber, Emmer and Gazelka flap their feathers over Satanist phoenix display
Tom Emmer, Pete Stauber and Paul Gazelka call the Satanist display in the state Capitol an insult to Christians and Minnesotans. As a Christian, I disagree.

Tolkkinen: I'll check into your Minnesota conspiracy theory, but first you have to do something for me
People are often sure of what they know, until details come out.

Tolkkinen: Why I took my 12-year-old's cellphone away
Just because you live in rural Minnesota doesn't mean that predators can't find your kid. They can, easily, online, even when you think they're safe at home. Kids have died because of it. It's a big reason I took my 12-year-old's cell phone away.

Tolkkinen: Fatal wrecks shatter Battle Lake
Two fatal wrecks last week claimed the lives of two young Battle Lakes: a 27-year-old mother of five known for her made-from-scratch donut business, and an 18-year-old son who his parents hoped could one day look after his younger brother who has a rare genetic disorder.
Tolkkinen: Readers offer candid, sometimes harsh opinions of greater Minnesota
Readers who aren't white or straight say greater Minnesota doesn't always greet them with open arms.
Tolkkinen: The November election was full of distractions. Now maybe we can work on real problems
Voters delivered gifts for everyone, so here's to rural-urban friendship in 2025.
![Herberger's at Southdale Mall has going out of business signs displayed. ] GLEN STUBBE ï Friday, April 20, 2018 ORG X](
Tolkkinen: The retail gap left by Herberger's closing remains
Herberger's department store began in Osakis in 1889 before expanding to Alexandria, then across the state and into other parts of the U.S. Its closure in 2018 left a significant gap in the retail industry in small-town Minnesota.

Tolkkinen: Giving thanks for life in rural Minnesota
This Thanksgiving, here's a glimpse into why people live in greater Minnesota — and are thankful for it.

Tolkkinen: A Rochester dental clinic has a waiting list of more than 4,000
Greater Minnesota badly needs more dentists, hygienists and facilities.

Tolkkinen: All ends well for Brad, the ram on the lam, and Taz, the horse in the north
Brad the sheep and Taz the Arabian are both back home, thanks to two-legged friends who never lost hope.

Tolkkinen: When criticized, Trump doubles down and strengthens his support. He's doing it again.
Who else could get away with a feed-style hat with a business suit?

Tolkkinen: Sheep on the lam proves too wily for North Shore rescuers
Brad the sheep has been sighted repeatedly along the North Shore over the past two weeks, eluding wolves, coyotes, police and animal rescuers. Nobody knows who owns him, but he's been christened Brad, because Bra-a-a-a-d.

Tolkkinen: Hunting together despite divisions
The opening of firearms season for Minnesota deer hunters brings familes and friends together and also forces you to make peace with people of differing politics.

Tolkkinen: Why Trump? Rural Minnesotans explain.
I spent Election Day at voting precincts in five rural Minnesota towns.
Tolkkinen: On Election Day, let's hold ourselves accountable
Whether it's our profession, our faith, or our politics, we need to admit when our side is wrong.
Tolkkinen: So you thought cheating in an election was easy
Cities, counties go through many steps -- before and after an election -- to preserve election integrity.

Tolkkinen: What does sexual identity have to do with farming?
The University of Minnesota Extension Service had to close down social media comments after announcing its first-ever LGBTQIA+ farming event, #agforall.

Tolkkinen: Talking politics over dinner, and nobody threw the carrots
But then, they were Lutherans.

Tolkkinen: Why I lost my fear of black bears
A little education at Ely's North American Bear Center can help us understand that Minnesota's black bears aren't the dangers we thought they were.
Tolkkinen: Christians need to fight Christian nationalism
Jerry Gale, founder of the Minnesota chapter of Christians Against Christian Nationalism, traveled to Fergus Falls in an attempt to encourage people around the state to stand up to a movement that wants conservative Christians to rule America.

Tolkkinen: At 87, still chopping firewood and telling stories
Arlys Kakac witnessed the decline of small dairy farms in rural Minnesota.

Tolkkinen: A ladybug look-alike is ruining fall in greater Minnesota
The biting, stinking Asian beetle heads out of the soybean fields on the nicest fall days, heading to nearby homes and businesses to overwinter.

Tolkkinen: Southeast Minnesota, it's past time to purify your well water
Starting in October, the state is giving out a limited number of free reverse osmosis treatment systems.

Tolkkinen: Greater Minnesota really is mostly rocks and cows
Republicans got mad at Gov. Tim Walz after the 2016 elections for saying greater Minnesota is "mostly rocks and cows." Well, we've got a lot of rocks and a lot of cows and they're something to be proud of.
Tolkkinen: Should a school board member have to say the Pledge of Allegiance?
Fergus Falls school board member could pay for his stance in the upcoming election.

Tolkkinen: Let's stop canceling each other for voicing our opinions
Can we disagree better? Students from the College of St. Benedict, St. John's University and the University of St. Thomas tried this week.

Tolkkinen: Crow Wing County restaurant owner says Trump sign cost him half his business
Even as the internet piles on with ridicule, Big Al's Bar & Grill owner says he won't take the sign down.

Tolkkinen: MAGA? DFL? No matter, this group just wants women to lead
There's a shortage of people able and willing to serve in local office, and in Minnesota's rural areas, women are an untapped group.

Tolkkinen: Good luck finding a handyman in greater Minnesota these days
Residents unable to find help with home maintenance and repair say it feels like nobody wants to tackle small projects.

Tolkkinen: Into the Boundary Waters with self-made gear of natural materials
Ozzie Reif of Ely wanted to plunge into the wilderness on non-commercial terms.
Tolkkinen: Growing food for fuel isn't working. It's time to rethink ethanol.
Does society really need to spend $8.9B to capture ethanol carbon emissions?

Tolkkinen: Minnesota has become a state with two flags
The new flag has made inroads into rural Minnesota. However, many cities and counties continue to fly the old.

Urban and rural Minnesota might feel divided, but they need each other
The University of Minnesota is launching a podcast about all the ways we are interconnected. Some of it is surprising.

Tolkkinen: Western Minnesota votes against Christian nationalism
Steve Boyd's loss in deeply conservative district is another sign of weakness for the Christian right.

Tolkkinen: African pastors bring a different perspective to Farmfest
The group watched Minnesota's annual agrarian convention with intrigue and astonishment.

Tolkkinen: One man's perseverance put Darwin, Minnesota on the map
What could I do with left-over baler twine? Hmmm.
Tolkkinen: Walz might not be the rural charm Democrats hope for
At Farmfest there was little excitement for Walz as the vice presidential pick.

Tolkkinen: This is the sliver of common ground between both sides in the abortion debate
Both sides want compassion for women who have had abortions.

Tolkkinen: Can we talk about climate change, please?
A muggy Duluth night is "nothing like what's coming."

Tolkkinen: Small square hay bales are a thing of the past, but they're my happy place
Those once ubiquitous square bales have been replaced by "big rounds."

Tolkkinen: America is ready for a woman president, but Kamala Harris still needs to win over rural Democrats
Plus, some issues I'd like to hear Harris address.

Tolkkinen: Quit hugging our state, South Dakota
Minnesota's Rock County now in a statistical relationship with Sioux Falls.

Tolkkinen: Wind turbines become divisive issue in Traverse County, Minn.
Farmers are deciding whether to put turbines on their land, despite the anger that might come with it.

Tolkkinen: Renting a place up north for a week? A primer on being a good guest in lake country
Some counties are cracking down on VRBO renters. With good reason.

Tolkkinen: Finally Rep. Michelle Fischbach is asking for my opinion — kind of
The GOP congresswoman from western Minnesota is facing a primary challenge.

Tolkkinen: Chest-high floodwaters didn't stop this Minnesota dentist from seeing patients
Waterville dentist Bill Struve brought patients and employees in by canoe.

Tolkkinen: Families in rural Minnesota want your house, Grandma
"The inability of seniors to move out has inhibited the ability for our new labor to move in."

Tolkkinen: A CNN reporter mispronounces Mankato and Minnesota laughs
Minnesota is full of names that weed out the locals from the out-of-towners.

Tolkkinen: The world's problems in 17 rooms in western Minnesota
"We need to be caught up in what unifies us."
Tolkkinen: A Pipestone father and his Army son share a Father's Day call
A Pipestone father and his Army son share an early Father's Day video call.

Tolkkinen: Living in rural Minnesota, I've made my yard my grocery store
Foraging and raising chickens took some getting used to for our grocery store-raised country transplant.

Tolkkinen: Summer brings together urban and rural. Let's make use of it.
Don't be like that guy who made a Battle Lake hostess cry.
Tolkkinen: Alexandria tackles hate and fear after police Facebook post draws racist response
This west-central resort town has seen the kind of racism that can follow a criminal incident, but the small crowd that turned out for a public meeting in response give reason for hope.
How wild Minnesota worked its magic for our new greater Minnesota columnist
Karen Tolkkinen debuts her new column with a story - and a request