A 34-year-old man was arrested Saturday in connection with a suspected arson fire at a home in Robbinsdale, police said.

Officers were called to the 3200 block of Halglo Place about 5:30 p.m. on a report of an unwanted in the residence, Robbinsdale police said in a news release. When the man, who also was wanted on outstanding warrants, refused to leave, he was arrested.

As officers placed him in a squad car, they heard popping sounds and saw flames through a second-story window in the area of the home where the suspect had been, the release said.

Officers called for the fire department and evacuated several people and animals, the release said. Some people went back in the home and had to be evacuated "multiple times," police said.

Police Capt. John Elder called the actions of officers who ran into the burning building for the evacuations "heroic."

No one was injured, but the fire substantially damaged the home before it was extinguished by firefighters from Robbinsdale and surrounding cities.

The suspect was booked into the Hennepin County jail.