An investigation is underway in Bloomington after a man was found lying in a street with critical injuries and later died.

Police and first responders found the man in the 8300 block of 11th Avenue S. about 8:45 p.m. Thursday and believe he had been hit by a vehicle, said Bloomington Police Department Deputy Chief Kimberly Clauson.

The 21-year-old man from Bloomington was taken to Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis where he was declared dead, Clauson said.

Witnesses told police that the victim, whose name has not been released, had been speaking to a person who was in a vehicle when they heard yelling.

When the witnesses went outside, they found the man lying in the street.

A few hours later, detectives arrested a 21-year-old man in Apple Valley without incident. The suspect was taken to the city jail and remained in custody Friday.

Charges are pending, Clauson said.