A courageous stand

Congratulations to the 2008 Legislature for taking a courageous stand and overruling Governor Gutless on the highway funding bill. Special kudos to the brave House Republicans who crossed the aisle to address the needs of Minnesotans instead of the governor's political agenda. The availability of a permanent fund to maintain highways is well worth the mild tax increases. Roads cost money, and you can't borrow forever. This bill made all the sense in the world, and anyone who voted for it should be highly commended.



Tax will benefit all I read the governor's comments about the gas tax with great amusement. The comment "Ridiculous in scope and magnitude" seems to mean that if it would have been smaller he would have agreed with the tax. Considering that the only tax he has been willing to sign off on was a stadium tax, which benefited the wealthy owner and players and a handful of fans, I doubt his sincerity. So now when there is something out there that would be of great benefit to all Minnesotans with better and safer roads plus the added benefit of putting many people back to work, he finds it ridiculous.

I figure that this gas tax will cost me about $70 per year, not much when you consider how it will help all of us. How about electing someone who has the whole state as a benefactor rather then only the wealthy?!



Robbing from poor Hurray! The Legislature rides in like Robin Hood to save the day! Oh wait, Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor.



What's tax ceiling? Rather than congratulate ourselves with pats on the back over the newest tax hike, consider this. Taxes are based off percentages and quantities. The argument that we need a higher gas tax because our costs have increased is flawed. We also have more drivers, which, with the same gas tax, raises more money since there are more people buying gas. The same can be said for payroll and property taxes.

If the amount the government takes from the people keeps rising, where does it stop? 20 percent? 40 percent? 80 percent? 100 percent? Let's just declare this state to be a socialist state and get it over with.



Laws aren't answer The uproar over the recent bus crash in Cottonwood County has a familiar ring. The person responsible was in the country illegally, so people cry "we need more laws" to control this, as if that would have made a difference. When there are mass shootings at our schools or colleges, people find that as an excuse to cry for more laws to control guns.

When law enforcement has their hands tied so they can't enforce the laws we already have, why create more laws? Someone else will just cry "discrimination," so law enforcement will look the other way.



Real cause of crash What was the real cause of the bus crash in Cottonwood, MN that took four innocent lives? I can tell you for sure that it was not immigration. It was that this woman allegedly choose to run a stop sign.

My brother was killed when a person ran a red light in 2004 and I can completely relate to the senseless pain and tragedy that these families and the community are going through. It seems like the focus has been lost on immigration and we are losing sight of the real issue of running a stop sign. Immigration issues do need to be addressed, but running lights and stop signs kills people and devastates lives everyday. It is time to look at the real issue.