Are you frustrated trying to get around on uncleared sidewalks or on teeth-rattling roads when driving or biking after a storm?
If you have photos or video of snow- and ice-covered streets, sidewalks and bus stops, send them our way. We want to know the worst spots for getting around the Twin Cities during and after this weekend's storm.
An earlier storm that dropped nearly 10 inches across the Twin Cities was quickly followed by a thaw-and-freeze cycle that left many frustated by washboard roads and uncleared sidewalks.
In St. Paul, many are asking why the city doesn't tow more cars so that streets can be cleared curb to curb. Minneapolis residents want more done to keep sidewalks clear of snow that can turn to ice and lead to injury — a threat to all pedestrians, especially for seniors and people with disabilities.
To submit a photo or a video, please email with this information: your name, the date the photo/video was taken and the approximate street address. Photo or video should be current (from no earlier than November this year). We'd also like to know whether you made a complaint about the street or sidewalk and if any action was taken after your complaint.
We'll publish some of the best (and most frustrating) images and take a look at city policies on clearing roads and sidewalks and let you know how to report unsafe conditions.
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