Mother Nature couldn't have timed this any better. Opening weekend of the Minnesota State Fair promises to be hot, potentially stinking hot. ECMWF (European model) predicts 96 on Sunday with a heat index over 100 by afternoon. We'll see. Still early for specifics, but if you like your fairs hot and sticky you're in luck.

A steady fire hose of moisture has kept us cooler this summer. We've had only six days of 90-plus in the Twin Cities (the average for an entire summer is 15). Based on "cooling degree days," we've spent roughly 13% less cooling homes and offices since June 1. We may be about to make up for lost time.

A smoky haze was noticeable Sunday, and more episodes of smoke (and poor air quality) are likely this week from wildfires burning across the western U.S. and Canada.

A mostly dry week is shaping up. Disclaimer: A lonely storm may bubble up Tuesday and again Thursday night before a hot front sweeps into Minnesota this weekend. Sunday will be the hotter day.

My lemonade-on-a-stick booth will be ready!